
I love
To love the rain
Spattering on my roof
As I’m sheltered in layers

And layers
Of blankets
I love to love the rain.

And yet….
He sits outside,
Clothed in threads
That were once a jersey,
So many rains ago.
He sits, guarding me and mine
As the rain seeps through the remnants of his raiment.

I love the power of
The power-walk,
Brisk, bracing,
Walking away the weight
As I take in the view
Of the majestic
Zomba mountain.
A mile walked,
Those calories burnt
As I stride in water-proof sneakers,
Oh, the power
Of a power-walk.

And yet…
I meet her on that walk,
She staggers down the mountain
With a heavy log on her shoulder
Powerless as she lugs the log,
The cracks on her feet absorb it all,
The dirt, and cold,
And the dew.

I love the discipline
Of the fool-proof diet,
No fat, no carb,
Low-fat, low-carb,
Sugar-free, but keep the sweeteners
Oh, the discipline of a fool-proof diet.

And yet…
They diet by default,
no fat, no carb,
nothing to sweeten the pill
of starvation.

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