Author: Makewana

The first call/army of termites

By  Alinane ‘Naphi’ Mphande Slowly I watched it grow From a speck to a row Mesmerized I watched as they came One, two, three, four, scores and scores of them Fascinated I beheld them build it Fashion and mould it Giving their...

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In Her Shoes

By Asante Lucy Mtenje   In her shoes, those shoes, those two sizes too big, worn out “kanavasi” she drags along to the dumpsters to rummage through the wilting, rusty banana and mango peels, disregarding the stench and the...

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By Priscilla Kanjirawaya I slightly move the curtain and a bright light illuminates my room. The sun must have risen a few hours ago. It is no surprise though that the sun had risen and is shining before I woke up. I see no...

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Death’s Contours

BY ASANTE LUCY MTENJE It is the summer just before the rains. The blouse I had worn that day clings stubbornly to my torso as I try to shift my tired body on the reed mat. My sister, who is lying next to me, looks at me as if to...

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