Makewana’ s Daughters would like to take a moment to introduce you to our hard-working judges for this year’s competitions.

Short story category
Professor Mpalive Msiska
Professor Msiska is Senior Lecturer at the Birkbeck University of London. He is also a judge for the Caine Prize for African Writing. He has done extensive research on creative writing in Africa, including a critical guide of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.

Kafula Mwila
Ms. Kafula Mwila is CEO for Blacksmith Publishers, Lusaka. She is a short story writer and her work has been published in several anthologies, including Kafula’s Essentials and the 2016 Caine anthology, the Daily Assortment of Astonishing Things.

Naomi Nyasoko Msusa
Dr Naomi Nyasoko Msusa is a composer and writer. She is also a Test Administrator at the University of Cape Town. She has published extensively on African literature, and her main interests include the African novel and theatre.

Poetry category
Alfred Msadala
Mr. Alfred Msadala is a poet, short story writer and critic. He is also President of Malawi Pen. His experience includes being chief judge of the CLAIM Golden Jubilee Short story competition (2012), Editor of the Tiwerenge Series and judge of the Babishai Niwe Poetry Competition (2018).

Mercy Geno Apachi
Mercy Geno Apachi is a poet, playwright and editor. She is also a 2020 Fellow of the African Writers Trust. Among her work is the poem, ‘ I want Humanity’ . She has gained fame as a spoken word artist in Uganda and has performed at the Ugandan National Theatre as well as in Germany.

Asante Mtenje
Dr. Asante Lucy Mtenje is Senior Lecturer and Head of English at the University of Malawi, Chancellor College. She is also a poet. Among her work is the poem ‘ In Her Shoes’. She has also published extensively as a literary critic, including journal articles such as ‘ Under the Lion’ s gaze’ (2018).

Thanks to our hardworking judges for taking time from your schedules to go through the short stories and poems. We wish you all the best!

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